

Usually people think that the longer





Usually people think that the longer

Many people have no appetite when the weather is hot, not only appetizers, but also nutritious, very suitable for you to drink. Healthy diet experts suggest different types of soup, its consumption is stressful, so healthy soup, your health will be protected. However, if you drink the wrong area, there may be a risk to life. Here are some mistakes soup, you have to take it seriously.

Wrong soup, soup, diet
First, the longer the soup, the higher nutrition

Usually people think that the longer the soup pot, the better the taste, the more nutrition in the soup. In fact, because of the principle of "heat broken" during soup boiling, some nutrients (amino acids, purines and other nitrogenous compounds and oils and fats) of the ingredients dissolve into the soup, providing the unique flavor and basic nutrition of the soup. With the lengthening of the stew time, although the total nitrogen increases, the loss of soluble vitamins also increases, and the overall nutritional value decreases. Therefore, "the longer the soup, the better nutrition," the argument is not scientific Oh!

After a long cook, many nutrients are destroyed, the longer the pot, the more protein denaturation, the more damage the vitamins. Lao Huo Tang contains only a very small amount of protein eluate, sugar and minerals, can only say a little more than white water nutrition. Pot old soup time should not be too long, generally within 2 hours is appropriate.

Second, everyone can drink soup

"Soup more attractive, higher nutrition," is not the case.

Pigs, chicken, duck meat and other meat products, after boiling, release carnosine, purine base and amino acids and other substances, collectively referred to as "nitrogenous extract." Clearly, the more delicious the soup, the more nitrogen-containing leachate, including the "purine" and so on, and long-term intake of too much "purine" can lead to hyperuricemia, which is the culprit causing gout .

Third, drink chicken soup can add protein

Chicken soup was labeled "make-up" in the world, was originally derived from the Qing Dynasty years. Empress was due to weakness, drink chicken soup healed a few days later, leaving the tonic effect of chicken soup gradually spread.

Because chicken soup nutrients dissolved in the soup, easy to absorb, and meat nutrition requires gastrointestinal peristalsis, after decomposition can be absorbed, so to some extent, chicken soup for the weak to reduce gastrointestinal burden. However, the protein content of chicken soup is not high, while the fat and salt down a lot. So for people with normal digestive function, the "cost performance" of adding protein to chicken soup is much lower than skim milk and tofu. Per 100ml skim milk protein is about the same amount of chicken soup 3 times, 5 times the calcium content of chicken soup, the difference was significant.

Fourth, before drinking two bowls of soup

Experts suggest that 20 to 30 minutes before meals soup 100 ~ 200ml, helps to reduce the energy intake of dinner, which is the gospel for those who want to lose weight. However, it is not a wise choice to have two bowls of soup in one go.

On the one hand, for people with poor gastrointestinal digestion, a large amount of soup before meals is easy to dilute gastric acid, so that gastrointestinal motility more slowly. On the other hand, too much soup easily lead to excessive intake of fat and salt, which in turn lead to edema, hypertension and nerve damage and other diseases. Each 100ml soup contains 0.5 ~ 1g salt, compared to Chinese residents daily recommended salt intake 6g, drink too much soup may exceed the standard, we can see the necessity of limited amount of soup.




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